Thursday, January 13, 2011

What's the haps?

Okay, so here is the reason I am adding my voice to the bajillions of mom bloggers already out in cyberspace:

1. I am cool, really cool.
2. My children are hilarious.
3. I am sort of a secret hippie (stage whisper from my friend Amanda: "It's not a secret!") so I can show you how to do hippie things I do like make my own laundry detergent (really works!) and grow my own baby food.
4. We are under a crushing, massive amount of credit card debt  ($47,000 worth) and are in the process of making some tough choices so that we can get out from under this ridiculous amount of debt and breathe easy again.

More on the debt, how we got here, and our step by step plan to get out AS SOON AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE. Also posts to come include what the children and I have done to entertain ourselves while being trapped inside (RE: snow in Georgia) for the better part of a week.

Finally, I promise to try to be faithful about updating this blog while trying very hard not to fail out of nursing school, trying to keep my job at the hospital, and trying to not completely neglect my husband and kiddos. Good luck to me! And to you, on your own personal journeys.